
LÖVE GUI library written in MoonScript.

Inspired by CatUI, but the core modules were heavily modified. Some inspiration was also taken from LoveFrames.

Currently based on LÖVE 11.4 MoonScript 0.5


​ See :

​ How to make a control TODO.


​ utf8.lua :

Hello, World!

-- Always require MeowUI before any control
assert require "MeowUI"
-- Include a control.
-- (You can expand your own controls based on your needs. See controls for examples)
Button = assert require MeowUI.c_cwd .. "Button"

with love
  .load = ->
    -- Get the manager (Takes care of all events). <Singleton>
    export manager = MeowUI.manager
    -- Get the root control. <Singleton>
    root = manager\getRoot!

    -- And lets make a fansy polygon shaped button.
    bPoly = with Button "Polygon"
      \setPosition 200, 200
      \setRadius 25
      \setSides 6

    -- Finally add the new button as a child to the root so it can be drawn updated etc...
    root\addChild bPoly

  .update = (dt) ->
    manager\update dt

  .draw = ->

  .mousepressed = (x, y, button) ->
    manager\mousepressed x, y, button

  .keypressed = (key, is_r) ->
    manager\keypressed key, is_r

  .mousemoved = (x, y, dx, dy, istouch ) ->
    manager\mousemoved x, y, dx, dy, istouch

  .mousereleased = (x, y, dx, dy, istouch ) ->
    manager\mousereleased x, y, dx, dy, istouch

  .wheelmoved = (x, y) ->
    manager\wheelmoved x, y

  .keyreleased = (key) ->
    manager\keyreleased key

  .textinput = (text) ->
    manager\textinput text
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-01-14 01:18:20